- Please contact us, to get set up as an Event Organizer. You MUST have an e-mail address that has NOT been used in any previous way on the Reel LiveWell App
- Once we have set up your account, your e-mail address will be used to log-in, along with the password that is sent to you
- To create or edit an event, go to: https://scoringapp.classicbass.com/Login
- Click on ‘Create Event’
- Here is the screen you’ll see
- Fill in the data fields for your event, and select the parameters of your event:
- Event Name
- Description of your Event: Inform your anglers, fans, and followers about your event, along with any important details (i.e., prizes, weigh-in location, etc.)
- Participant Type: Select Angler or a Team event. Once you select this option, a (#) of angler’s box will appear for you, enter in the # of participants
- Start Date: Enter in the date your event will begin
- (#) of Days: Enter in the # of days your event will be (1 for a single day event, 2 for a two-day and so on)
- Events can be set up to run any duration (days, weeks, months, or a year)
- Session 1: If your event does not have a break period, this is the only Session you’ll need to worry about. Enter in the ‘Start Time’ and ‘End Time’ for the fishing day
- Session 2: If your event has a break period, you’ll need to enter in the next sessions fishing time.
- Example: If the event has anglers fishing from 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., then again Noon to 4:00 p.m., the data entry would look like this:
- Time Zone: Select the time zone that the event is being hosted in. Please double check to know if you are currently in daylight savings time, or not.
- Region (check box): By checking this box, your event is set up to allow anglers to compete on any lake they choose. You can limit data entries to a single state, or multiple states, select the state(s) from the Multi-State drop down:
- Zip: Enter in the zip code of where the tournament lake is. You will NOT enter this if your tournament is an ‘Any Lake’ event. By entering in the proper zip code, the State and City fields will auto-populate.
- Enable Registration and Paid Event:
- Enable Registration: By checking this box, you are allowing your anglers/teams to register for your fishing event via the Reel LiveWell App on their mobile device. Once you have created your event and it is shown on the upcoming events page on the App, an angler/team will click on the event and be prompted to fill out the needed information. Upon successful submission of that information, they’ll be successful registered for your event and a unique pin # for the event will be texted to them
- Paid Event: This feature will allow the Reel LiveWell to collect the event entry fee for you. Enter in the tournament entry fee amount and when the angler/team submits their information on the Reel LiveWell App, they’ll be taken to PayPal to make their tournament entry fee payment. Once this transaction has been completed, they’ll be successful registered for your event and a unique pin # for the event will be texted to them. If this option interests you, the Reel LiveWell will work out an agreement with your organization on the transfer of funds to your account. PayPal and bank transfer fees will apply
- Upload Images: Upload your event logo in .png file format
- Lake/Water Body: Enter in the name of the lake or river your event is on
- Launch Site: Enter in the name of the boat ramp or venue your tournament is going out of
- Any Lake (check box): If you check this box, the Lake/Water Body and Launch Site fields will not be fillable. Check this box if your event is allowing anglers/teams to fish on any body of water they choose.
- Winning Criteria: These are options of how your events fish catches will be counted:
- Total Weight: The weight of all the fish added together. You’ll set the # of fish to include in this total in the next step
- Largest Fish (by weight): The biggest fish wins
- Winning Criteria: These are options of how your events fish catches will be counted:
- Total Inches: The length of all the fish added together. You’ll set the # of fish to include in this total in the next step
- Largest Fish (by length): The longest fish wins.
- Inches to Weight Conversion (check box): If you check this box, the anglers/teams, will enter in the length of their fish (in decimals) and that will be converted to a weight (lb. – oz.). When you check this box, the following Winning Criteria can be selected:
- Total Weight: The weight of all the fish added together. You’ll set the # of fish to include in this total in the next step
- Largest Fish (by weight): The biggest fish wins
- Multi-Species with Limit (check box): If selected, you’ll set corresponding fish catch limits for the selected species:
- Inches to Weight Conversion (check box): If you check this box, the anglers/teams, will enter in the length of their fish (in decimals) and that will be converted to a weight (lb. – oz.). When you check this box, the following Winning Criteria can be selected:
- Fish Species Criteria: Select all fish species that pertain to your event
- Fish Count Criteria: Select and set up your event based on the limits you want:
- Every Fish Counts: Every fish catch entered will be counted for that angler/team
- Top 5, 7, 8, 10, 15, or 20 Fish Counts (this will be based on weight, or inches, based on the Winning Criteria you selected): The Reel LiveWell App will automatically cull up an angler’s/team’s fish catches, so their best tournament limit is displayed
- Only the Single Largest Fish Counts (By weight): Biggest fish wins
- The Reel LiveWell App will automatically cull up an angler’s/team’s fish catches, so their biggest fish is displayed
- Only the Single Largest Fish Counts (By weight): Biggest fish wins
- Only the Single Largest Fish Counts (By length): Longest fish wins
- The Reel LiveWell App will automatically cull up an angler’s/team’s fish catches, so their biggest fish is displayed
- Display Criteria: Select what data is displayed during the event for each angler/team
- Total Weight: Total weight for the angler/team, as it pertains to the selected fish count criteria
- Total Number of Fish: Total # of fish for that angler/team as it pertains to the fish count criteria
- Only the Single Largest Fish Counts (By length): Longest fish wins
- Average Weight: Average weight of the fish for the angler/team, based on the fish count criteria and the total weight
- Average Length: Average length of the fish for the angler/team, based on the fish count criteria and the total inches
- Largest Fish (by weight): Heaviest fish in the angler/team’s limit
- Largest fish (by length): Longest fish in the angler/team’s limit
- Total Inches: Total inches for the angler/team, as it pertains to the selected fish count criteria
- Smallest Fish (by weight): Smallest fish in the angler/team’s limit
- Smallest Fish (by length): Shortest fish in the angler/team’s limit
- Number of Smallmouth Bass: Total # of smallmouth bass fish for that angler/team as it pertains to the fish count criteria
- Number of Largemouth Bass: Total # of largemouth bass fish for that angler/team as it pertains to the fish count criteria
- Number of Walleye: Total # of walleye bass fish for that angler/team as it pertains to the fish count criteria
- Tie-Breaker Criteria: Set the tie-breaker criteria for your event.
- Fish Images/Videos Selection:
- App Camera: Angler/team will ONLY be able to take a photo or video of their fish catch while they are in the Reel LiveWell App when uploading a fish catch entry
- App Camera & Device Gallery: Angler/team can take a photo or video of their fish catch while they are in the Reel LiveWell App, or they can select a photo from the photo gallery on their mobile device when uploading a fish catch entry
- Allow Images/Videos View:
- Judge & User Entered Only Viewable: Individual fish catch entries and photos for an angler/team will ONLY be seen by the angler/team that submitted them, and the event judge (you’ll set this person later)
- Public Viewable: Individual fish catch entries and photos for an angler/team can be seen by ALL
- Weight Display Option: Fish catch data can be hidden until you select it be made public , or events can be set so the pubic and other competitors can only see select information:
- Normal: All data points will be visible
- Angler/Team Name & No. (#) of fish: Only the angler/team’s name, along with the # of fish they have caught will be shown.
- Angler/Team Name & No. (#) of fish & largest fish: The angler/team’s name, along with the # of fish they have caught, and their big fish (weight or length) will be shown.
- Fish Images/Video (selection box): You can select if you want to require your anglers/teams upload a photo and/or video with each fish catch entry
- Scale Type: Select the units of measurement your scales will be using
- Lbs. & Oz.
- Decimal: This must be selected for length tournaments, including events that are Inches to Weight Conversion events
- Contact Number: Enter in the phone # of your events contact person
- E-Mail Id: Enter in the e-mail of your events contact person
- AdButler Code: This does NOT apply
- Auto Judge Approval (check box):
- If selected, all fish catches will show up immediately on the events leaderboard following the submission by the angler/team. Entries can be edited later by your event judge
- If NOT selected, each fish catch entry will need to be reviewed and approved by the event judge before it will be displayed under an angler/team’s total
- Short Shortly (check box): If selected, a short text description will be required by the angler/team when they enter each fish catch before it can be submitted
- Multiple Fish Images/Videos (check box): If selected, each fish catch submission will require two images or photos before it can be submitted
- Click the green Create Event Button in the lower right-hand corner
- How to Add Anglers/Teams for your Event
- Upload Anglers/Teams already in the system and have them texted their pin #
- Upload Anglers/Teams already in the system
- Upload Anglers/Teams via CSV file – this is what we HIGHLY RECOMMEND
- Angler/Team Roster
- Assign a Judge
- This person MUST have an e-mail address that has NOT been used in any previous way on the Reel LiveWell App
- This is the person who will be reviewing/approving fish catches or making any edits
- Assign a Judge
- Judges can be listed and uploaded via the CSV file, which we highly recommend
- Adding Anglers/Teams: You can add/remove angler’s/teams up until your event begins